Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization,
thrived between 2600 BCE (Before Common Era) and 1900 BCE. This
period is considered the civilization's mature phase, during which it
reached its peak in urban planning, trade, and cultural development.
characteristics of the Harappan Civilization during this time include:
1. Urban Planning: Cities like Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, and
Dholavira were well-planned with advanced drainage systems, grid-like streets,
and standardized brick construction.
2. Trade:
The Harappans engaged in long-distance trade with Mesopotamia, Central Asia,
and other regions, dealing in goods like beads, ceramics, and textiles.
3. Writing System: The civilization had a script, often called
the Indus Script, which remains undeciphered to this day.
4. Agriculture and Economy: They cultivated crops such as wheat, barley,
and cotton and domesticated animals like cattle, sheep, and goats.
period from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE is often referred to as the Mature Harappan
Phase, marking the height of this ancient civilization's achievements.
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